How to Pass COVID Quarantine Time?
The arrival of the new coronavirus changed our lives. In addition to that, it with a quarantine that forced us to stay at home and look for different ways to spend our time. So here are some tips to make your COVID quarantine time fly by.

The arrival of the new coronavirus undoubtedly changed our lives. It changed our habits, work patterns and even the way we relate to other people. In addition to coming with these changes, this virus came with a quarantine that forced us to stay at home and look for different ways to spend our time. Faced with this new normal and the possibility of contracting the virus, we need to keep in mind how to get through the COVID quarantine time without losing our minds trying.
When you spend time at home or in solitude, it is completely normal to feel that time passes slower or that the hours take forever. And, although in COVID quarantine it is possible to pass the time between work and chores, entertainment and good habits are of vital importance to make the time go faster. So here are some tips to make your COVID quarantine time fly by.
[1] Take Care of Your Emotional Health
One of the most important things when staying in confinement is to take care of your mental and emotional health. While reading and watching social media has become part of our daily lives, in times of COVID quarantine the best thing you can do is to stay away from the news in order to protect your mind from the anxiety it can provoke.
Keeping your time organized is one of the best ways to spend your time in COVID quarantine
It is not completely necessary to stay away from the internet, however, it is good to limit the amount of time you spend in front of the screens.
In case you need it, you could consult with a specialist if you require any specific treatment to keep you in the best possible way.
[2] Make a List of Daily Activities
Keeping your time organized is one of the best ways to spend your time in COVID quarantine. You can keep a daily agenda with a series of activities that will allow you to establish a routine and thus not give way to idleness. Organize a schedule that includes productive work or study activities, recreational activities and doing things you enjoy, such as reading, painting, gardening or watching series and movies.
Regardless of whether the activities are work or recreational, it is necessary to keep track of time in the best possible way. If you have children or children at home, add to the list of daily activities, activities that allow them to keep busy, burn energy and distract themselves.
[3] Try New Recipes
Spending time at home is also the perfect time to dedicate time to the kitchen and those recipes you've been putting off before. While you may miss being able to eat out, spending time in quarantine for COVID also gives you the opportunity to explore your creativity with new things and gain new culinary skills.
You can look for virtual classes either Yoga, Gymnastics or dance therapy
You can plan your meals and everything related to the housework of cooking. If you live with more people at home, you can organize the activity as a group and include them by assigning an activity to each other to keep everyone busy. Even quarantine time is an opportunity to create your own garden and harvest some of your own food.
Cooking your own meals doesn't have to be an elaborate process, it's a chance to develop your creativity using the food you already have in your cupboard or refrigerator. Save the recipes you want to make and experiment with creating a new meal for each day.
[4] The Return of Board Games
There are board games that are classics and that thanks to technology we had left aside. Check the 5 Best Board Games you can find on Amazon.
Even creating a new game with the help of the internet is also possible, especially since you will spend a good amount of time on them.
You can look for craft supplies and create your own board games. Trivia games are among the most popular, as they help not only to have fun but also to develop your intellect and that of all participants.
[5] Bring out Your Creative Side
Quarantine time is a good excuse to bring out your creative side. You can add recreational and unique activities to your planning. For example:
- You can develop a short script or search for one on the internet and shoot a movie. Once you do, you can turn your living room into a small movie theater and show it to the rest of the family.
- Another activity you can do is a play, the costumes do not have to be elaborate, you can do it with clothes and accessories that you already have at home. And make the scenery with recyclable materials that you already have available.
- Even organize a karaoke night with your favorite songs. You can also paint, write or give the opportunity to new activities such as crafts or those DIY activities that you had saved in your favorites and had never done.
[6] Create a Playground at Home
Whether your home has a lot or little space, you can take advantage of some of the elements you already have or any of the rooms. You can organize anything from a pillow fight to ping pong on the dining room table. The activities can be as varied as your creativity allows.
One activity that can be a lot of fun is to create a sort of Olympics with family members and include a board on which you add the winners of each activity. You can divide different activities to each of the days with prizes at the end for the winners. Entertainment during COVID quarantine time is paramount.
[7] Exercise at Home
Quarantine time at home does not have to be devoted only to activities that involve mental exercise. You can't become sedentary and neglect physical exercise. While mental health is of utmost importance, you must add physical health to your list of priorities. Exercising should be part of your routine.
If training alone is not your thing, thanks to technology you can look for virtual classes either Yoga, Gymnastics or dance therapy that you can do via zoom with the accompaniment of the instructor or other participants. If you can do it alone you also have other options, in the Play store or Appstore you can find numerous applications with ideal exercise routines to keep you moving Suring your quarantine time.
Another option is to get out those machines you had stored in your garage, such as trampolines, orbitreks or exercise bikes. It's a good time to dust them off and give them the use they deserve.
[8] Read Books, Watch Movies, Listen to Music and Podcasts
Spending COVID quarantine time at home doesn't have to be all remote work and technology, you can also give yourself a chance to read that book you've been putting off for later. Or you can turn your living room into a movie theater and have a marathon of movies you've been meaning to see but haven't due to lack of time or availability.
Also, with the arrival of quarantine, the number of podcasts on the Internet has increased. You can look for one with a topic that interests you and take advantage of listening to it while you are doing any other activity. You can also search for a good playlist or create your own and listen to it, even while cooking.
[9] Connect with People Virtually
Even if quarantine time doesn't allow you to hang out with friends or physically see loved ones, you can still find ways to stay connected virtually. Thanks to technological advances, there are different digital platforms with which you can make video calls so you don't miss a good chat in real time. So that not everything is written chats.
Arrange for outdoor activities such as yoga, exercise or just sunbathing
There are also groups and numerous communities in social networks with which you can interact and meet new people with the same interests as you.
[10] Spend Time Outdoors
Although quarantine time involves being confined to your home, if you have a yard or garden, you can take advantage of spending time outdoors. Arrange for outdoor activities such as yoga, exercise or just sunbathing. This will give you more opportunities for entertainment and not lose that connection with nature that for some people is essential.
You can also plan activities with your family such as games or activities for them to breathe fresh air outside.
Spending COVID quarantine time doesn't have to be that complicated, you have plenty of activities available to manage the time you will be home. Establishing routines, exercising, and spending time entertaining yourself is essential to making your quarantine time easier to cope with. Good nutrition and taking care of your physical and mental health is paramount, make time for each of your activities and do your best to maintain healthy habits.
Experimenting with new hobbies and giving a chance to those activities that you had left for later, can be your best entertainment. Do your best to stay away from the news and information that robs you of peace. The COVID quarantine time can be a good time to find yourself and awaken the creativity you've been storing up.